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I.    Purpose

A.    本基本变更审查程序(“程序”)的目的是实施学院的残疾和宗教住宿政策(统称), the “Policies”).

B.    本程序设立了基本变更审查委员会,作为关于住宿请求是否导致活动的基本变更的决策机构, such that an Accommodation Request may be denied.

II.    Scope and Applicability.  This Procedure applies to Students, Employees, Applicants, 以及因残疾或宗教原因在学院活动中寻求住宿的访客, as defined in the Policies.

III.    Definitions

A.    本程序中所有大写的术语具有残疾住宿政策中规定的含义, Religious Accommodation Policy, and accompanying Procedures. 

B.    本程序中所有其他大写术语的含义如下:

1.    基本变更审查委员会或“委员会”是一个临时委员会,将在员工提交住宿请求后成立, Applicant, Student, 或访客提出住宿是否会导致活动发生根本性改变的问题.

2.    基本变更审查是指由委员会进行的评估,以确定员工的住宿请求是否, Applicant, Student, or Visitor would result in a Fundamental Alteration of an Activity.  

IV.    Fundamental Alteration Review

A.    In situations where DSS, the CDEIO, the Faculty Member, 授权员工或人力资源部门确定员工要求的住宿, Applicant, Student, or Visitor may result in the Fundamental Alteration of an Activity, the Committee will be convened to consider such a request.  

B.    委员会将使用以下程序进行基本变更审查:

1.    在确定住宿请求需要进行基本变更审核后的三(3)个工作日内, DSS, the CDEIO, the Faculty Member, 授权员工或人力资源部将向负责监督活动的副总裁提交住宿请求和基本变更表的副本,并要求任命一个委员会进行基本变更审核.  If the Accommodation Request relates to an Academic Activity, the Faculty Member(s) must attach a copy of the course syllabus.

2.    负责监督该活动的副总裁应在收到任命委员会的请求后两(2)个工作日内任命一名基本变更审核人员. 

3.    该委员会应由学院的三(3)名员工组成,由负责监督住宿请求主题活动的副校长任命.

a.    副主席将挑选在本活动方面具有知识或经验并接受过本程序培训的委员会成员, and send the Fundamental Alteration Form to the Committee.  

b.    The Vice President may not select the Authorized Employee, Faculty Member, CDEIO, DSS Employee, 或参与回应住宿请求的人力资源员工担任委员会成员.

c.    总法律顾问办公室成员和首席合规与公平实践官不得担任委员会成员.

C.    The Committee will consider the responses of the CDEIO, Faculty Member,  Authorized Employee and/or HR on the Fundamental Alteration Form; however, 委员会还将利用其专门知识来确定通融请求是否会造成根本改变. When an Accommodation relates to an Academic Activity, 委员会应与教师协商,以获得他们对有关学术活动的专业知识. 

D.    The Committee may submit additional questions to the CDEIO, Faculty Member(s), Authorized Employee(s), or HR as needed.

E.    The Committee may, if necessary, 咨询其他知识渊博、训练有素的教师和管理人员,以确定住宿请求的合理性, Essential Functions of the Activity, 为要求提供便利的个人提供便利的可能替代方案, 或委员会认为与决定有关的任何其他资料. 

F.    If the Accommodation Request relates to a course substitution or waiver, 委员会必须与学术论坛学术标准委员会协商.

G.    委员会如认为有必要作出决定,可与总法律顾问办公室协商.

H.    委员会将在副总统正式任命委员会后的五(5)个工作日内就该请求发布最终书面决定. 

I.    委员会的最终书面决定必须说明住宿请求是否会改变争议活动的基本功能, and, if so, 是否可以提供不改变活动基本功能的替代住宿. 

1.    The Committee will send the written determination to DSS, HR, the CDEIO, Faculty Member, or Authorized Employee;

2.    该决定对这些个人具有约束力,除适用的残疾和宗教住宿程序规定外,任何个人不得根据任何其他学院政策或程序进一步上诉或申诉. 

3.    委员会将向任命委员会的副主席发送一份书面决定的副本, who will maintain the determination.

J.    任命委员会的副主席将记录和维护基本变更审查程序,以备今后参考.  However, 重要的是要注意,在一个案例中作出的决定并不构成对未来住宿请求的政策或普遍决定.

K.    如有正当理由,副总统可酌情延长此过程中的任何截止日期. 

Policy Title: Fundamental Alterations Review Procedure

Policy Category: General

Policy Owner: President

Policy Administrators:人力资源执行主任(面向员工和申请者)和学生发展主任(面向学生和访客)

Contact Information:; 410-777-2045;; 410-777-2830

Approval Date: March 4, 2024

Effective Date: June 5, 2024

History: Interim Procedure approved June 28, 2023

Applies to:员工,包括求职者、学院学生和访客

Related Policies: Religious Accommodations Policy

Related Procedures:           

Forms/GuidelinesFundamental Alteration Form 

Relevant Laws:

  • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S. Code § 2000e -2(a)
  • Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. § 2000c et seq.
  • Md. Code, St. Gov’t., § 20-606
  • 29 CFR § 1605 et seq.
  • Md. Code, Educ., § 15-137    
  • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended in 2008 (ADA)
  • Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, 42 U.S.C. §2000ff
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504)